Amended Minutes
Board of the Department of Natural Resources
Rembert C. Dennis Building, Room 335
1000 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC
Friday Monday, March 29, 2004
3:00 p.m.

The called meeting of the Board of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources was held at 3:00 pm, Monday, March 29, 2004, at the Rembert C. Dennis Building, Columbia, South Carolina. Notice of the date, time and place of the meeting was posted and mailed to the news media. Chairman Mike McShane presided at the meeting. Board members present included Michael Campbell and Smith Ragsdale. Board members present by conference call included Stephen Davis and John Evans. Mr. John Frampton and staff members of the Department of Natural Resources were present at the meeting, as were various guests.

  1. Call to Order
    Chairman McShane called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
  2. Introduction of Guests
    Mr. Chamblee informed the Board that there are no guests.
  3. Constituent Comment
    Mr. Chamblee informed the Board that there were no requests for constituent comment.
  4. Item for Board Information
    1. Budget
      Chairman McShane stated that Director Frampton will brief the Board on the budget. Mr. Frampton reported that at 8:30 am, this morning he held a meeting with Deputy Directors, Sections Chiefs and senior management staff to further discuss the budget and the anticipation of a budget cut, even with the work currently being done with Senate. Mr. Frampton has asked staff to contact all constituency groups and ask them to make contact with Senators, specifically the Senate Finance Committee. Mr. Frampton stated that the message he wants to convey is that with the kind of budget cut proposed by the House, there will be a reduction in staff to include the Law Enforcement Division. Mr. Frampton noted that he asked staff to embrace the changes that will have to be made. To look at these changes with a positive attitude and realize that change is coming. Mr. Frampton asked Hank Stallworth, Land, Water and Conservation Division, to head up a committee of staff from Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, Land, Water and Conservation, as well as Marine Resources and some of Carole Collins’ staff to look at a plan that would take Land, Water and Conservation and Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries and merge into a single division. Mr. Frampton has asked Deputy Directors to start working with Jean Cowell to develop a Reduction In Force Plan in case this step is necessary. Mr. Frampton stated that he was open to any recommendations or solutions for a positive result.
    2. Legislation
      Derrick Meggie stated that he is estimating that it will be two to three weeks before the budget goes to the Senate Finance Committee. Mr. Campbell informed the group that his father has agreed to sign a letter on the Department’s behalf to as many Senators as necessary. Mr. Meggie reported that there will be a full Fish, Game and Forestry Committee meeting this week.
    3. Board Member Comments
      Vice Chairman Campbell commended staff, particularly Carole Collins and her staff, who were a part of the Palmetto Sportsmen’s Classic. Ms. Collins stated that estimated attendance was 30,000-40,000.
    4. Executive Session
      At this time Mr. Campbell made a motion that the Board hold an Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. Mr. Davis seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
  5. Return to Regular Session

    The Board returned to regular session and invited staff and guests to join the meeting.

    Chairman McShane stated that there were no items discussed in executive session which require Board action.
  6. Time and Location of the Next Meeting
    The April meeting of the DNR Board will be held Friday, April 16, 2004.
  7. Adjournment
    There being no further business to be brought before the DNR Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned.