Board of the Department of Natural Resources
Rembert C. Dennis Building, Room 335
Columbia, South Carolina
Friday, November 16, 2001
9:00 a.m.

The regular meeting of the Board of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources was held at 9:00 a.m., on Friday, November 16, 2001, in room 335 of the Rembert C. Dennis Building, Columbia, South Carolina. Notice of the date, time and place of the meeting was posted and mailed to the news media. Chairman Dr. Joab Lesesne presided at the meeting. Board members present included Dr. Julius Leary, Ben Gregg, M. Russell Holliday Jr., Malloy McEachin, Jr., and Dr. Douglas Rucker. Board Member Danny Ford was absent from the meeting. Dr. Paul A. Sandifer and staff members of the Department of Natural Resources were present at the meeting, as were various guests.

  1. Call to Order
    Chairman Lesesne called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
  2. Meditation
    Chairman Lesesne asked for a moment of silent meditation.
  3. Introduction of Guests
    Mr. Chamblee introduced Kathy McDeed, SC Forest Watch; Ricky Walton, Dawn Carpenter and Patton Watson, Board Member of SC Wildlife Federation.
  4. Approval of Minutes
    Chairman Lesesne asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes of the October 18 and 19, 2001, meetings. Dr. Leary made a motion that the minutes of the October 18 and 19, 2001, meetings be approved as submitted. Dr. Rucker seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
  5. Presentations/Commendations
    Chairman Lesesne introduced General Steve Siegfried, Chairman of the Governors Security Council and Special Advisor to the Governor on Homeland Security. General Siegfried informed the Board that Governor Hodges appointed him as the Director of Homeland Security for South Carolina, to be South Carolinas liaison between Governor Tom Ridge and the National Homeland Security office in Washington, and to serve as Chair of the SC Homeland Security Council. General Siegfried thanked the Department for the role it is playing on the Security Council.

    Dr. Sandifer congratulated Bill Pace for his recent election to a one-year term as President of SC Association of Governmental Purchasing Officials.
  6. Advisory Committee Reports
    1. Heritage Trust
      Mr. McEachin informed the Board that there is a study group called the Bobwhite Quail and Grassland Bird Study Committee. This group held a meeting recently and presentations were given by representatives of Georgia and North Carolina. Mr. McEachin noted that South Carolina should keep pace with Georgia and North Carolina in quail management. Mr. McEachin stated that Rocky Evans with Quail Unlimited feels that SC DNR is not adequately supporting quail management in South Carolina and they have turned some of their focus to Georgia and North Carolina. Mr. McEachin said that he hopes we will try to enhance and improve quail population and quail management in South Carolina.

      Mr. McEachin reported that the Heritage Trust Advisory Board received a presentation regarding unique communities on black water rivers in the lower part of the state. The Heritage Trust Advisory Board approved management plans for various Heritage Trust sites. The Heritage Trust Advisory Board also received a presentation on the Conservation Bank Act.
    2. Saltwater Recreational Fisheries
      John Miglarese informed the Board that the Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Advisory Boards main topic of discussion was the budget. The second topic of discussion was the saltwater license.
    3. Marine
      Mr. Gregg reported that the Marine Advisory Committee met November 8, in Greenville. The Marine Advisory Committee received a presentation on growth in the upstate from Freddy Vang. The Marine Advisory Committee received a briefing on the Aquaculture Policy and they passed a resolution that says, in general, to move forward with public input and they support the idea and concept of a better aquaculture policy.
    4. Governor's Cup
      John Miglarese stated that the Governors Cup Advisory Board meeting focused on budget issues. Dr. Miglarese noted that the Governors Cup Advisory Board has committed to provide support to maintain the Governors Cup Tournament. The Advisory Board has also set the schedule for next years tournaments.
    5. Law Enforcement
      Dr. Leary reported that the Law Enforcement Advisory Committee welcomed three new members. Terry LeCroy is the new Vice Chairman of the Advisory Committee. Dr. Leary stated that the Law Enforcement Advisory Committee received reports about the aquaculture program and the three-mile radar line. The Advisory Committee is supportive on the concept of both issues. The Advisory Committee also received a report on shark regulations and laws. Dr. Leary noted that the retirement incentives have caused a significant impact on the Law Enforcement Division.
  7. Items for Board Information
    1. License Renewal
      David Busby described the current method used for license renewals. Mr. Busby distributed copies of a draft general-purpose form that could be used and explained that it may possibly reduce mailing costs by as much as 2/3. Mr. Busby noted that by using one form it would save at the beginning but he further explained that trot line tags, doe tags and shrimp tags would still be necessary and require additional mailings. After Mr. Busby addressed questions posed by the Board, the Board gave a general endorsement of the staff proposal of a general-purpose form and residency checks, as feasible and as financial resources are available.
  8. Items for Board Action
    1. Aquaculture Policy
      Dr. Miglarese reported that the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Advisory Committee has deferred action on the policy or legislation until comments have been received from the recreational fisheries community. The Law Enforcement Advisory Committee and the Marine Advisory Committee have endorsed the policy. The Land, Water and Conservation Advisory Committee has requested that a sub-committee review the proposed policy and legislation and provide a report to the Advisory Committee. The SC Aquaculture Association supports the policy and legislation proposed by the Department. Clemson University Extension also supports the policy and proposed legislation. At this time the Board decided to take action on the policy and legislation as separate items. Mr. Gregg made a motion that the Board approve the policy with the understanding that public input continue and if revisions are necessary, after public input is received, it will be revisited. Mr. McEachin seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
    2. 2002 Legislative Package
      Derrick Meggie distributed a notebook containing the 2002 Legislative Proposal to each Board Member. Mr. Meggie reviewed the legislation by preliminary priority. The Board decided to hold a conference call meeting on December 14, 2001, to take action on 2002 proposed legislation regarding aquaculture and private land deer laws in game zones 1, 2 and 4. Dr. Leary made a motion that the Board approve the 2002 legislation with the exception of the two. Dr. Rucker seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
    3. Bald Rock Heritage Preserve Management Plan
      Stuart Greeter reviewed the management plan for the Bald Rock Heritage Preserve. Mr. Gregg made a motion that the Board approve the management plan as presented. Dr. Rucker seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
    4. South Bluff and Buzzard Island Heritage Preserve Management Plans
      Chris Judge reviewed the management plans for South Bluff and Buzzard Island Heritage Preserves. Mr. Gregg made a motion that the Board approve the two management plans as presented. Dr. Rucker seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
    5. Heritage Trust Property Acquisition
      This item will be discussed in executive session.
    6. Proposed Spotted Turtle Regulations and Changes to States Endangered and Threatened Species List
      Tom Kohlsaat reviewed the spotted turtle regulations and changes to the states endangered and threatened species list as sent to the Board in their meeting package. The proposal is to add the piping plover and Carolina gopher frog to the state list of endangered wildlife and to delete the glossy ibis from the non-game species in need of management list and add the spotted turtle to the non-game species in need of management list. Steve Bennett reviewed the proposed regulations for spotted turtle. Mr. McEachin made a motion that the Board approve the draft regulations regarding the spotted turtle and changes to the states endangered and threatened species list including the grand fathering of those who currently have more than 9 spotted turtles and these individuals must register within one year of the effective date of the regulation.
  9. Executive Session
    At this time Dr. Leary made a motion that the Board hold an Executive Session to discuss personnel, legal, and contractual matters.
  10. Return to Regular Session
    The Board returned to regular session and invited staff and guests to join the meeting.

    Dr. Rucker made a motion that the Board approve the reappointment of Tom Garrison to the Land, Water and Conservation Advisory Committee. Dr. Leary seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

    Dr. Leary made a motion that the Board approve the purchase of 475 acres near the Tillman Sand Ridge Heritage Preserve in Jasper County. Ms. Holliday seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

    Dr. Leary made a motion that the Board approve three property acquisitions. (1) the purchase of a conservation easement on 5,869 acres and the fee simple acquisition of 1,364 acres from Westvaco in Charleston, Colleton and Dorchester counties using Forest Legacy Program federal funds, (2) 4,489 acres in Beaufort County using National Estuarine Research Reserve federal funds, and (3) the 1,049 acre Landsford Canal property in Chester County from Crescent Resources using Forest Legacy Program federal funds. Dr. Rucker seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

    Dr. Leary made a motion that the Board award two meritorious service awards to two individuals at a later date. Mr. Gregg seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
  11. Habitat Protection Activities
    Barry Beasley presented a draft of the DNRs Habitat Protection Strategy for the Board to review. Mr. Beasley then reviewed the document and explained how the strategies were decided upon.

    John Frampton distributed copies of ranking for the National Wetlands Conservation Grant. South Carolina is ranked first among all the projects in the US. Mr. Frampton recognized Mike McKenzie and other staff for writing this grant proposal. Mr. Frampton also explained the criteria used for these scores.

    Mr. Frampton reported on the status of the waterfowl season extension and federal budget.
  12. Deputy Directors Reports
    1. Land, Water and Conservation
      No further report.
    2. Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
      Billy McTeer distributed a copy of a letter sent to individuals/organizations who have been invited to serve on an advisory committee to assist with the forest management plan at Jocassee.
    3. Conservation Education and Communications and Administrative Services
      No further report for Conservation Education and Communications. Carole Collins reported that the impact statement of the 4% cut has been submitted.
    4. Marine
      No further report.
  13. Time and Location of the Next Meeting
    The January meeting will be held Thursday, January 24, 2002, and Friday, January 25, 2002, in Georgetown.

    The February meeting will be held Friday, February 15, 2002, at the Dennis Building, in Columbia.
  14. Adjournment
    There being no further business to be brought before the DNR Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned.