Photo Gallery

Below are images of collected fauna from the South Atlantic Bight. Roll mouse over image for caption and click on image for larger view (images may take a moment to load....)

Decapods Stomatopods Amphipods Isopods Tanaids Copepods Cumaceans Barnacles


Decapods (shrimp, crabs, lobsters)
Macrobrachium rosenbergii (giant river prawn) from an aquaculture pond in South Carolina Macrobrachium ohione (Ohio shrimp) from Edisto River, SC deep water gravid female Odontozona lopheliae from offshore Georgia, OE 2004 ETTA cruise gravid caridean shrimp from offshore Charleston, SC Palaemonetes vulgaris (marsh grass shrimp) from Charleston Harbor, SC gravid female Palaemon northropi from Calibogue Sound, SC Eugonatonotus crassus from Charleston Bump, 2003 Ocean Explorer cruise Sicyonia brevirostris (brown rock shrimp) from offshore Wassaw Island, GA Sicyonia typica (kinglet rock shrimp) from offshore Edisto Island. SC Farfantepenaeus aztecus (brown shrimp) from Charleston Harbor, SC Penaeus monodon (tiger shrimp)from St. Helena Sound, SC
planktonic sergestoid shrimp Lucifer faxoni from offshore Georgia, Ocean Explorer ETTA cruise unknown species of cleaner shrimp, Periclimenes, from Fort Macon State Park, NC Tozeuma carolinense (arrow shrimp) from Charleston, SC palaemonid shrimp from St. Augustine Scarp, 2004 ETTA cruise Synalpheus fritzmuelleri (speckled snapping shrimp) with attached parasitic bopyrid isopod, off Bull Island, South Atlantic Bight  Synalpheus fritzmuelleri (speckled snapping shrimp)  from off Bull Island, South Atlantic Bight Alpheus heterochaelis (bigclaw snapping shrimp), from Charleston Harbor, South Carolina Alpheus sp. aff. armillatus (banded snapping shrimp) from intertidal oyster bed, Charleston Harbor, SC Alpheus (snapping shrimp) from Charleston Harbor, SC Alpheus formosus (striped snapping shrimp)from  off Sapelo Island, Georgia female Synalpheus minus (snapping shrimp), offshore SC gravid Biffarius biformis (ghost shrimp) from intertidal Morris Island, SC male and gravid female Callichirus major (Carolinian ghost shrimp) from Folly Beach, SC Eumunida picta (squat lobster) from Charleston Bump, 2003 Ocean Explorer Cruise Scyllarus americanus (American slipper lobster) from off North Inlet, Georgetown, South Carolina Scyllarus chacei (Chace slipper lobster) from off North Inlet, Georgetown, South Carolina Clibanarius vittatus (thinstripe hermit crab) from Charleston, SC Hermit crab from Capers Inlet, South Carolina Manucomplanus ungulatus (hermit crab) inhabiting a calcareous structure formed by a bryozoan (off St. Helena Island, South Carolina) Hermit crab from offshore Savannah, Georgia Albunea catharinae (mole crab) from off shore South Carolina (photo by Pearse Webster) Euceramus praelongus  (olivepit porcelain crab) from Charleston Harbor, SC juvenile Porcellana sayana (spotted porcelain crab) perched on an hermit crab anemone, offshore Charleston, SC Petrolishes armatus (green porcelain crab) from Charleston Harbor, South Carolina Hypoconcha parasitica (rough shellback crab) from Charleston Harbor, SC, with attached bivalve shell Hypoconcha spinosissima (spiny shellback crab) from off St. Helena Island, SC dorsal view of Hypoconcha spinosissima showing last pair of walking legs modified to grasp shell Cryptodromiopsis antillensis (hairy sponge crab) from off Hilton Head, South Carolina Calappa flammea (flame box crab) Stenorhynchus seticornis (arrow crab) from offshore Savannah, GA Acanthilia intermedia (granulose purse crab)  from off St. Helena Island, SC Cardisoma guanhumi (blue land crab), Charleston, SC Dissodactylus crinitichelis (seabiscuit pea crab) perched within the spines of Clypeaster subdepressus (sand dollar), off Bull Island, SC male Zaops ostreus (oyster pea crab), intertidal oyster bed, Charleston Harbor, SC gravid female Zaops ostreus (oyster pea crab)  living commensally in the gills of the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, Charleston Harbor, SC Pinnaxodes floridensis (polka dot pea crab) living in cloaca of sea cucumber, offshore South Carolina Austinixa cristata (cristate pea crab) male and female from Folly Beach, SC Limnotheres nasutus, a tiny commensal crab that lives in false jingle shells, found on artificial reefs off Charleston, SC ventral view of gravid Podochela riisei (longfinger neck crab) from off North Inlet, Georgetown, South Carolinadorsal view of Macroceoloma camptocerum (Florida decorator crab) from off North Inlet, Georgetown, South Carolina dorsal view of Macrocoeloma trispinosum (spongy decorator crab) from off North Inlet, Georgetown, South Carolina Platylambrus granulata (badetooth elbow crab)  from off St. Helena Island, South Carolina Pilumnus sayi (spineback hairy crab)  from offshore Charleston, SC Mithrax hispidus (coral clinging crab) from off North Inlet, Georgetown, SC Mithraculus forceps (red-ridged clinging crab) from off North Inlet, Georgetown, SC Armases cinereum (Squareback marsh crab) from Folly Public Oyster Grounds, SC Sesarma reticulatum from Folly Island, SC Planes minutus (gulfweed crab) from Fort Macon State Park, NC Chaceon fenneri (golden deepsea crab) from offshore Grorgia, 2004 ETTA Cruise Bathynectes longispina (bathyal swimming crab) from Charleston Bump, 2003 Ocean Explorer Cruise Callinectes sapidus (blue crab), showing rare pigment mutation, Cooper River, SC Callinectes sapidus (commercial blue crab), SC Callinectes similis (lesser blue crab) from Abbapoola Creek, Johns Island, SC Callinectes larvatus (masked swimming crab) from Stono River, near Charleston, SC Callinectes bocourti (Bocourt swimming crab) from Coosawatchie River, South Carolina Portunus sayi  (sargassum swimming crab) from offshore South Carolina (photo by Pearse Webster) Portunus spinimanus (blotched swimming crab) from offshore Charlseton, SC Portunis gibbesii (iridescent swimming crab), off Bull Island,  SC  Charybdis hellerii from offshore, St. Augustine (photo by Pearse Webster) Ovalipes stephensoni (coarsehand lady crab), off Bull Island, South Carolina Hexapanopeus angustifrons (smooth mud crab) from Charleston Harbor oyster reef Panopeus obesus (salt marsh mud crab) from  Hunting Island, SC Eurytium limosum (broadback mud crab) from Ashley River, Charleston, SC Menippe mercenaria (Florida stone crab) (photo by Pearse Webster) Male Uca pugilator (Atlantic sand fiddler) male Uca pungax (Atlantic marsh fiddler) from Charleston Harbor, SC

Larval and Juvenile Decapods
prezoea of Synalpheus sp. (snapping shrimp), offshore SC First zoea larvae of Petrolisthes armatus (porcelain crab) juvenile Albunea catharinae (mole crab) from off shore South Carolina Phyllosoma larva (lobster larva) Phyllosoma larva (lobster larva) from plankton, offshore Georgia, OE 2004 ETTA cruisePanulirus argus (spiny lobster) juvenile, Ashley River, South Carolina Megalopa of a dromiid crab (Hypoconcha spp.) collected from offshore plankton Juvenile Hypoconcha spinosissima (rough shellback crab) , offshore, SC ventral view of a Calappa tortugae megalopae from Charleston Bump, 2003 Ocean Explorer cruise megalopae of Portunus sp., collected in neuston from Charleston Bump, 2003 Ocean Explorer cruise crab megalopae from Charleston Bump, 2003 Ocean Explorer cruise zoea 1 larval stage of Zaops ostrum (oyster pea crab) freshly hatched from gravid female collected from Charleston Harbor, SCmolting megalopae of calappid crab, offshore Charleston, SC

Stomatopods (mantis shrimp)
"smasher" stomatopod (mantis shrimp, thumbsplitter), off Bull Island,  SC Squilla empusa from Charleston Harbor, South Carolina Stomatopod  from offshore South Carolina Stomatopod from Charleston Harbor, SC stomatopod from Folly Beach, SC Stomatopod antizoea (mantis shrimp larvae) in neuston from Charleston Bump, Ocean Explorer cruise

Ampithoe valida from Charleston Harbor oyster reef
Dulichiella sp. from Capers Inlet, South Carolina Orchestia grillus fron Charleston, SC Platorchestia platensis from Charleston, SC Stenothoe sp.,  from intertidal Charleston Harbor oyster bed, SC pelagic amphipod  Scina sp. from offshore Georgia plankton, OE 2004 ETTA cruise Amphipods (Stegocephaloides sp.) associated with a large deep water sponge, offshore Georgia,  2004 OE ETTA cruise caprellid Paracaprella tenuis (skeleton shrimp) from Charleston Harbor oyster reef deep water amphipod from offshore Georgia, OE 2004 ETTA cruise Hyperiid amphipod from plankton, offshore Georgia, OE 2004 ETTA cruise Hyperiid amphipod from plankton, offshore Georgia, OE 2004 ETTA cruise male Ericthonius brasiliensis on sea fan Leptogorgia hebes, off Edisto Island, SC amphipod from Folly Beach, SC remains of a Phronima sp. specimen (hyperiid amphipod) collected with salp from the inside of a barrelfish gut (length = 43 mm) tube-dwelling amphipods from Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary

Arcturid isopod on coral fragment from offshore Georgia,  2004 OE ETTA cruise  Paracereis caudata from coastal South Carolina hardbottom Synidotea sp. from Ashley River, Charleston, South Carolina isopod from offshore St. Augustine, FL, OE 2004 ETTA cruise Arcturid isopod Astacilla spinata Parasitic isopod from offshore Florida male isopod clutching female, single isopod on left (Folly Beach, SC) molting isopod from Folly Beach, SC sand-dwelling beach isopod, Chiridotea coeca the nonindiginous isopod Synidotea laevidorsalis

Hargeria rapax  from Charleston Harbor oyster reef female Hargeria rapax from off Folly Island, SC unknown deep-water tanaid from offshore Georgia, Ocean Explorer 2004 ETTA cruise gravid female Sinelobus stanfordi, a nonindigenous species from the St. Johns River, FL

lateral view of parasitic female copepod with attached male, found on Callichirus major (Carolinian ghost shrimp), Folly Beach, SC

cumacean from Folly Beach, SC Clyclaspis pustulata from Morris Island, Charleston, SC

Conopea galeata (seawhip barnacle) associated with Leptogorgia virgulata (seawhip) from  Sullivan's Island, SC tidal creek
cluster of barnacles and sabellid polychaetes (fanworms) from offshore  Georgia, OE 2004 ETTA cruise Megabalanus tintinnabulum from a dock float in the Folly River, SC Megabalanus coccopoma, an nonindigenous barnacle, collected in Port Royal Sound, SC

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