Board of the Department of Natural Resources
Rembert C. Dennis Building, Room 335
Columbia, SC
Friday, July 19, 2002
9:30 a.m.

The regular meeting of the Board of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources was held at 9:30 am, on Friday, July 19, 2002, at the Rembert C. Dennis Building, Columbia, South Carolina. Notice of the date, time and place of the meeting was posted and mailed to the news media. Vice Chairman Dr. Julius Leary presided at the meeting. Board members present included Ben Gregg, Malloy McEachin and Dr. Douglas Rucker. Board members absent included Chairman Joab Lesesne, Danny Ford and M. Russell Holliday, Jr. Dr. Paul A. Sandifer and staff members of the Department of Natural Resources were present at the meeting, as were various guests.

  1. Call to Order
    Vice Chairman Leary called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
  2. Meditation
    Vice Chairman Leary asked for a moment of silent meditation.
  3. Introduction of Guests
    Cary Chamblee introduced Angela Viney, SC Wildlife Federation; Marge Davenport, USGS; and Jenks Mikell, Marine Advisory Committee.
  4. Constituency Comments
    There were no requests for comment.
  5. Approval of Minutes
    Vice Chairman Leary asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes of the June 21, 2002, meeting. There being no corrections or additions the minutes of the June 21, 2002, meeting were approved as submitted.
  6. Presentations/Commendations
    Dr. Sandifer mentioned an article from the July 2002 issue of the Lake Murray Magazine entitled They Do It All. This article is about the law enforcement officers of District 6 and their law enforcement efforts on Lake Murray.
    Dr. Sandifer commended Daryle Fontenot of the Land, Water and Conservation Division on his election to a two-year term to represent Region IV States to the Board of Directors of the Association of State Floodplain Managers.

    Dr. Sandifer commended Corporal Gene Morris on his selection by the National Association of Police Organizations as an Honorable Mention winner of the prestigious TOP COPS Award representing South Carolina. The purpose of the TOP COPS Awards is to educate the public about our nations heroes and to pay tribute to law enforcement officers from federal, state, county and local agencies across the nation for outstanding service to their communities.

    Vice Chairman Leary congratulated Dr. Rucker on the recent naming of a middle school in Lancaster the A. R. Rucker Middle School in honor of his father.
  7. Items for Board Information
    1. Addendum to Rules and Regulations
      Cary Chamblee reviewed the proposed addendum to the 2002-2003 Rules and Regulations. Mr. Chamblee then informed the Board of the new schedule for the 2003-2004 Rules and Regulations. The delay in printing the Rules and Regulations will allow legislation that passes in the final days of the session to be included. Mr. Chamblee noted that with the change in printing schedule, the Rules and Regulations will not be returned from the printer until July 31. There being no changes recommended by the Board, staff were instructed to proceed with the addendum and change in printing schedule for the 2003-2004 Rules and Regulations.
    2. FY 2002 Accomplishments/FY 2003 Objectives

      Dr. Sandifer reviewed a summary of permanent positions (FTE slots) from 1990 to July 12, 2002 and noted the reduction in permanent slots and explained how some positions have been revamped and changed from state funding to revenue or federal funding (chart included with minutes). Dr. Sandifer then reviewed an analysis of state appropriated operating funds from 1990 through July 18, 2002 and noted that the Department has had a 53% reduction in operating funds (chart included with minutes).

      Dr. Sandifer then reviewed several accomplishments of the Department beginning with land protection activities. The chart below shows the record of permanent habitat protection of DNR during FY 2002.
        Funding Acres
      Federally funded protection projects $29,000,000 12,771
      Non federal (private) $11,000,000 4,283
      Heritage Trust $2,938,545 1,131
      Total $42,938,545 18,185

      Dr. Sandifer then reviewed several accomplishments as listed in the Departments FY 2001-2002 Accomplishments.

      Dr. Sandifer informed the Board that he has assigned 10 staff to lead survival strategy teams and described each teams responsibilities.
    3. Proposed Future Management of Boat Ramps on the Santee Cooper Lakes
      Dr. Sandifer informed the Board that he and Buford Mabry have met recently with the leadership at Santee Cooper regarding the management of the boat ramps on the Santee Cooper Lakes. Dr. Sandifer reported that due to recent budget cuts, DNR and Santee Cooper have agreed that Santee Cooper assume full management responsibilities for the boat ramps. The Department will continue to provide enforcement on the lakes and advise Santee Coastal. This agreement will result in a direct monetary savings and also indirect savings, such as staff time.
  8. Items for Board Action
    1. Early Migratory Bird Season
      Derrell Shipes reviewed the proposal as submitted in the Board meeting package. Mr. McEachin made a motion that the Board approve the Early Migratory Bird Season as proposed. Dr. Rucker seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
    2. Approval of Emergency Regulations
      Tim Ivey explained that the proposed emergency regulations represent a portion of the proposed regulations presented on March 22 that apply to deer seasons open August 15. Mr. Ivey reviewed and explained each of the changes. Mr. Ivey then answered questions posed by Board Members. Mr. McEachin made a motion that the Board approve the emergency regulations as proposed. Dr. Rucker seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
  9. Items for Board Information
    1. Potential Emergency Action Regarding Blue Crab
      Dr. Miglarese introduced Dr. Elizabeth Wenner and David Whitaker and asked them to present the status of blue crab stocks and fishery to the Board. Dr. Wenner explained the life history, long-term monitoring, the impact of the drought and special studies that have been and will be conducted with respect to blue crab. David Whitaker then reviewed management measures, current laws, input from crabbers and management recommendations.
  10. Directors Briefings
    Dr. Sandifer informed the Board that he will be traveling to Boston, Massachusetts, for the seventh round of regional meetings of the US Commission on Ocean Policy on July 22-24.

    Habitat Protection Activities

    John Frampton reported that the appointments to the Conservation Bank Board have been completed.
  11. Deputy Directors Reports
    1. CEC and Administrative Services
      Carole Collins informed the Board that she will report on the special mailing for the license promotion at the September meeting.
    2. Marine
      Dr. Miglarese showed a Charleston stations video clip of the recent sinking of subway cars at the Apache artificial reef.
    3. Land, Water and Conservation
      Freddy Vang distributed a Kershaw County Groundwater publication and recommended that the Board review this book.
    4. Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
      No further report.
    5. Law Enforcement
      Col. Wright reported on the various activities of the Law Enforcement Division. Col. Wright noted that up until June there were 25 boating accidents and 8 fatalities and in the month of July there were 33 boating accidents and 4 fatalities. The Law Enforcement Division has chosen the Officer of the Year. Col. Wright noted that there will be some restructuring in the Law Enforcement Division brought about by the lack of funds for filling vacancies.
  12. Executive Session
    At this time Mr. McEachin made a motion that the Board hold an Executive Session to discuss legal, contractual and personnel matters.
  13. Return to Regular Session
    The Board returned to regular session and invited staff and guests to join the meeting.

    Dr. Rucker made a motion that the Board approve conservation district commissioner appointments/reappointments and commissioner emeritus appointment as submitted in the June meeting package (attached to original minutes). Mr. McEachin seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
  14. Time and Location of the Next Meeting
    Vice Chairman Leary stated that the next meeting of the DNR Board will be held on Friday, August 16, 2002, in room 335 of the Dennis Building in Columbia, beginning at 9:30 a.m.
  15. Adjournment
    There being no further business to be brought before the DNR Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned.


(Does not include temporary grant or hourly positions)
Fiscal Year



Federal Total




440 235 107 782
93-94 409 249 110 768
94-95 515 262 114 891
98-99 516 1 282 96 894
99-00 517 2 309 3 96 922
00-01 517 317 96 930
01-02* Slots 487 320 101 908
Actual 405
279 89 773

* To present 12 July 02
1) 1 new State FTE for internal auditor
2) 1 new State FTE for Jocassee Gorges
3) 27 new revenue FTE's for Law Enforcement ("Drew's Law")

90-91 $5,735,634
91-92 $5,120,733
92-93 $4,689,398
93-94 $3,811,474
94-95 $5,388,986
95-96 $4,159,493
96-97 $4,814,961
97-98 $5,318,665
98-99 $5,288,042
99-00 $5,105,649
00-01 $5,244,966
FY 02 $2,687,495
  53% Reduction

Adjusted for inflation, the 90-91 operating budget would be $7,685,750 in 2002 dollars. Our actual FY02 operating budget was only 35% of this amount.