III. Introduction
A. History
The recorded history of the Jocassee Gorges area dates
back to 1539 when Hernando deSoto explored the area. South of what is now
Lake Jocassee Dam was once Keowee Village or Keowee Town, the capital of
the Lower Cherokee Indians. Keowee Village was located just across the
Keowee River (Oconee side) near the confluence of Crowe Creek and Keowee
River. In 1690 James Moore led a British expedition through the area in
search of gold.
Current area names are derived from the Cherokee
language (Blue, 1997). Names such as "Jocassee," "Keowee,"
"Toxaway," "Eastatoee," and "Oconee" reflect
the Native American history of the area. Keowee meant "The Place of
the Mulberry" and "Uk-OO-Na" (Oconee) meant "watery
eyes of the hills." This word undoubtedly described the many springs,
streams and creeks that drain off the Blue Ridge Escarpment.
The Vale of Jocassee was home to the Cherokee Indian
Nation. It now lies some 300 feet beneath the surface of Lake Jocassee,
near the Toxaway River and Whitewater River confluence, approximately
one-half mile north of Jocassee Dam. Jocassee and its meaning are derived
from the legend of a Cherokee maiden. Chief Attakulla and his Oconee
tribe, known as the "Brown Vipers," lived on the west side of
the Whitewater River. The Eastatoees, a rival tribe, lived on the east and
were called the "Green Birds." It is likely that the Green Birds
received their name from the Carolina parakeet (Conoropsis
carolinensis), a species that became extinct in 1904. This was the
only endemic parrot of North America. The Eastatoee area was the last site
the species was recorded in South Carolina. Legend has it that a young
warrior named Nagoochee lived among the Green Birds but was not afraid to
enter Brown Viper hunting grounds. One day while hunting in Brown Viper
territory (probably the area known as Musterground today), Nagoochee fell
and broke his leg. Nagoochee was convinced he would perish in the
wilderness, when he heard the singing of Jocassee, Chief Attakulla's
daughter. Jocassee took Nagoochee back to her father's lodge and nursed
him back to health. They fell in love and Nagoochee stayed with the Oconee
tribe. Later during a fight between the tribes, Jocassee's brother,
Cheochee, killed Nagoochee. When Cheochee returned from battle with
Nagoochee's head dangling from his belt, Jocassee didn't say a word. She
slipped into a canoe and onto the water. As Jocassee still gazed at the
head of her lover, she stepped into the water. Legend claims that she did
not sink but walked across the water to meet the ghost of Nagoochee. The
name Jocassee means "Place of the Lost One."
By the late 1700s, trade routes between the Cherokees
and Europeans were well established (Hembree and Jackson, 1995) . Keowee
Village or Keowee Town was a central "hub" along the Indian
trading path that connected Cherokee towns and villages throughout eastern
Tennessee, western North Carolina, and northwestern South Carolina with
the Atlantic Ocean. In 1732, traders delivered more than 200,000
deerskins, which had resulted from trading with Cherokees, to Charleston.
Cherokees became well supplied with European firearms, ammunition, tools
and clothing. In 1730, Sir Alexander Cummings came to Keowee Village from
England and made a treaty of friendship with the Cherokees. By the mid
1700s, however, the relationship among the Cherokees, European settlers,
and traders was growing tense. In response, the colony of South Carolina
placed a trade embargo on the Cherokees in 1751, and Governor James Glen
ordered construction of Fort Prince George just across the river from
Keowee Village in 1753 (McKown, 1988). The tensions between Europeans and
Cherokees escalated and resulted in the war on the Cherokees in 1759-1760.
In November 1785, General Andrew Pickens hosted a large gathering of
Indian chiefs along the banks of the Keowee River. On November 28, 1785, a
treaty was signed that gave all of the "Jocassee Gorges" land
area, with the exception of northern Oconee County, to the United States.
It would not be until December 1835 that the Oconee mountains of Jocassee
Gorges were ceded to the United States. This controversial treaty, signed
by a very small representation of Indians, granted the United States all
the Indian territory east of the Mississippi.
The unique and rare natural resources of the area were
observed and noted as early as 1788, when French botanist Andre Michaux
discovered a rare wildflower with pink-white blossoms at the confluence of
the Toxaway and Whitewater rivers (now under Lake Jocassee). This rare
wildflower, the Oconee bell, is native to only a few counties in the Blue
Ridge area.
In the late 1700s European settlers began moving into
the region. Settlers came to the Horsepasture, Laurel Fork, Big and Little
Canebrakes, Musterground, and other portions on the Jocassee Gorges
property as early as the 1780s, when the land was still under Cherokee
control. The new Indian line (boundary) was finally delineated and marked
around 1797.
European settlers to the Horsepasture, Laurel Fork, and
Big and Little Canebrake primarily came in by way of Eastatoee Valley. The
settlers, mostly of Scotch and Irish descent, had generally originated
from Virginia and Pennsylvania (Wyche and Kilgo, 1997). Others came from
Charleston to the Horsepasture area (Turner and Sherrill, 1997). Land
grants in the Jocassee area were recorded as far back as 1791.
During this era, professional market hunters, called
long hunters because of their long rifles, hunted the ridges and gorges of
the property. The market hunters had a camp in North Carolina called
Puncheon Camp. The hunters primarily shot bears and deer, preserved the
meat and hides, and later sold them in Asheville, Greenville, Spartanburg,
and coastal towns.
Over time more people moved into the mountains and
mountain valleys. Early settlers travelled the area along the
well-established network of Cherokee trails and trade routes. With sweat
and determination, settlers carved farms and homes into the rugged and
remote land of the gorges. Their life was difficult and is perhaps best
described by C.T. Wyche, and J. Kilgo in The Blue Wall.
"They survived by growing corn and making liquor, raising hogs and
rearing children. Tough and independent, they married among themselves,
forming strong ties of blood kinship. They built schools and churches,
opened stores and ran grist mills .... a boy plowing a mule through rocky
ground; a man hauling corn to his still in the gorge, then moving that
still by night because of the rumor of a revenuer; a woman with raw hands
humming a tune in a minor key as she hangs out clothes in a cold wind; a
congregation singing a capella in a plain, unpainted church; a couple
burying a little girl who died of diphtheria. All that living and dying.
All those stories." Many thriving communities once could be found in
the Jocassee Gorges.
Several schools existed in the early days in the
Jocassee Gorges area. One of the earliest schools was the Laurel Fork
School on Laurel Fork Creek. The Horsepasture school (1923-1940) was built
to educate area youth (Simmons, 1983). This school was constructed on top
of the ridge between Toxaway River and Laurel Fork Creek. The school's
first teacher, Dr. Frank Finley, an Easley dentist, was instrumental in
the development of the school. Dr. Finley is also well known for his line
of bluetick coonhounds, developed in the Jocassee Valley. A school house
also once existed near Cane Creek.
In 1916, the Toxaway Dam in North Carolina failed. The
flooding down the Toxaway River removed much of the fertile topsoil and
deposited rocks and boulders on the family farms. After this flood it was
difficult for homesteaders to make a living off the land.
The collective local name "Horsepasture"
evolved over time, beginning in Civil War days. Area residents reportedly
drove their horses and cattle over the mountain to a broad valley at the
forks of Toxaway River and Laurel Fork Creek. Here they successfully hid
their livestock from Sherman's advancing army. This area became known as
the Horsepasture and the middle fork of the Toxaway River, formerly known
as the Green River, was renamed the Horsepasture River. During the
"dust bowl era" of the 1920s, livestock from the West were
transported by rail to the Horsepasture. Cattle were "free
ranged" until grazing conditions improved in the west. Local
residents conducted head counts of the cattle for the federal government.
The advent of the railroad brought the textile industry
to the upstate. Around the turn of the century, many mountain inhabitants
migrated from their isolated homesteads to work in the local town mills.
Their land was generally sold or abandoned and auctioned for back taxes.
Those who stayed in the Jocassee area primarily resided around Jocassee
Valley, which became somewhat of a tourist destination. Others relied on
moonshining and the timber industry that evolved.
As the timber industry emerged, partially as a result
of the industrial boom in the region (Bloomer 1997), large timbers and
lumber were cut to build factories and construct houses to shelter mill
workers. The mountains and foothills of Pickens and Oconee counties
provided the timber to satisfy much of those building needs. Another
factor contributing to the emerging timber industry was the dwindling
timber resources available in northeast forests. Big lumber companies
looked to the virgin stands in the South for new sources of timber and
began to purchase large tracts of mountain land. This would become the
source of timber to supply both the local market and the nation's timber
demand. These early purchases by large timber companies were the beginning
of the land acquisitions that eventually led to what we now refer to as
the Jocassee Gorges.
Many timber companies have held title to this property.
Saluda River Lumber Co., Montvale Lumber Company, Southern Lumber Company
and Carolina Timber Company were some of the owners of the Horsepasture
property. The more recent owners were Appalachian Forest Corporation,
Poinsett Lumber Company and Crescent Resources, Inc. Appalachian Forest
Corporation built a logging railroad into the Eastatoee Creek area for the
purpose of shipping harvested logs from the mountains to the sawmills in
Pickens. The railroad followed the easiest grade into the coves and
hollows of the property. The company's primary interest was to harvest
yellow poplar and oak timber that grew in the mountain coves and mid
slopes of these rugged hills. Often times the railroad bed was constructed
next to the stream bed itself. Horses were used to skid the logs downhill
to the rails. The logs were then loaded on rail cars and shipped to
Pickens where they were sawed into lumber. Today, remnants of the old
railroad system (grades and railroad iron) are evident along some of the
stream beds.
Poinsett Lumber Company, a subsidiary of Singer Sewing
Machine Company, took possession of the land around 1939 and abandoned the
railroad system. Poinsett constructed roads into the mountains and hauled
the logs out on trucks to its Pickens mill. Hardwood lumber was used to
build sewing machine cabinets. Singer's timber operation continued for 24
years. At the end of its ownership, Poinsett had completed one rotation
and had begun to harvest the timber a second time.
In 1963, Duke Power Company (a Duke Energy Company, or
DEC) formed Carolina Land and Timber Company, which purchased an
83,400-acre tract of land in the Horsepasture area from Singer Corporation
and private landowners. Duke Power Company (DPC) announced construction of
the Keowee Toxaway Project on January 2, 1965, and began development in
1967. The construction resulted in the formation of 18,400-acre Lake
Keowee and 7,500-acre Lake Jocassee.
Carolina Land and Timber became Crescent Land and
Timber Company (currently Crescent Resources, Inc., a Duke Energy Company)
in 1969. Crescent Resources has managed the Jocassee property since that
time. Similar to previous timber companies, Crescent's goal was to
generate income from commercial timber harvest. Under Crescent's
management consideration was given to social and environmental concerns
for the first time. Crescent Resources continued to harvest timber and
began reforestation efforts to meet future forest products needs.
In December 1964, the South Carolina Wildlife Resources
Commission (currently the SCDNR) negotiated a formal agreement with Duke
Power Company and Crescent Resources Inc. (CRI) to include the lands of
Jocassee Gorges in the department's Game Management Area Program
(currently WMA Program). Although past timber companies had allowed access
to hunting and fishing, this landmark agreement established formal public
The agreement also led to more intensive wildlife
management programs. A SCDNR wildlife biologist was assigned to the area
in 1965. Deer and wild turkey stockings began that year. Seventy-five deer
from South Carolina's coastal plain counties were stocked in the
Horsepasture over a four-year period. Four turkey hens were released in
1965. Additional wild turkey stockings (25 birds) were completed in the
Fish management efforts in Jocassee Gorges streams date
back at least to the 1930s when the Chief Game Warden for South Carolina
managed trout stocking from the Cleveland State Trout Hatchery, Table Rock
State Hatchery, and Walhalla National Fish Hatchery (SCDNR, 1935-1962). A
trout stocking program during this period was necessary to provide fishing
opportunities following the stream habitat devastation caused by logging
and public access. Jocassee Gorges stream monitoring efforts began in 1965
with the hiring of the first area SCDNR fishery biologist. Fish habitat
and populations were investigated and improved. Trout stocking efforts
continued with a higher level of monitoring and improvement of techniques.
In 1966, some of the first instream habitat improvement structures were
placed in Little Eastatoee Creek, on Duke Property.
Biologists have long recognized the tremendous
biodiversity of plant and animal life in the Jocassee Gorges area. They
have conducted preliminary surveys of plant and animal communities and
have documented the occurrence of rare, threatened and endangered
elements. Eastatoee Gorge Heritage Preserve (374 acres) was transferred
from Duke Power Company to the SCDNR in 1979 in recognition of the
extremely diverse flora occurring there.
Those participating in hunting, fishing, hiking, nature
observation and other forms of outdoor activity have benefitted greatly
from wildlife, fisheries and law enforcement efforts conducted under the
WMA Program. The WMA Program on the Jocassee land over the past 34 years
has served as a catalyst for a very positive cooperative working
relationship between SCDNR, DPC, and CRI (Van Lear et al., 1994; and Van
Lear et al. 1996). This positive relationship fostered the Jocassee Gorges
land acquisition project for the state of South Carolina.
B. Jocassee Gorges Project Description
The Jocassee Gorges project in South Carolina
encompasses approximately 42,500 acres. Approximately 4,000 acres along
the western portion of the property (Tater Hill and upper Howard Creek
parcels) will be purchased later and managed by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).
In addition, approximately 6,500 acres will be placed under a conservation
easement granted to the SCDNR. It is anticipated that this property will
continue to be managed by DPC under consultation with the SCDNR, and it
will remain under the Wildlife Management Area Program. While the SCDNR
will be involved in the management of the aforementioned properties, this
conceptual management plan more specifically addresses the remaining
32,000 acres purchased by The Conservation Fund and the State of South
Carolina and the 1,000-acre Laurel Fork tract purchased
under the Heritage Trust Program.
The property is described as having a western boundary
that approximates the Toxaway River drainage in northern Oconee County to
a common eastern boundary adjoining the Greenville Water System and Table
Rock State Park in Pickens County. The northern boundary is the North
Carolina-South Carolina state line. On the southern boundary the property
is situated north of Highway 11. A map delineating the property
acquisition is presented (Appendix B-1 -Map of Jocassee Gorges Property).
C. Management Plan Development
The SCDNR has been involved with managing the natural
resources of the Jocassee Gorges over recent decades. In 1998, SCDNR will
assume ownership of approximately 24,000 acres of the property and is
therefore developing more comprehensive plans for protection and
management. The remaining 8,000 acres are scheduled to come into state
ownership by the end of 1999. In developing this plan, the SCDNR has
initiated formation of partnerships with other state and federal resource
agencies, universities, conservation organizations and civic groups.
Additionally, SCDNR is holding a series of public meetings or forums at
which interested citizens can voice their opinions on management of
Jocassee Gorges. Periodic public meetings to evaluate how well the plan is
working are planned for the future. Also, written and electronically
transmitted (e-mail) comments have been received from numerous individuals
and groups and are being considered in the planning process. Through
historical management experience, formation of partnerships, and
solicitation of public opinion, the SCDNR is developing management
strategies for the property.
The Jocassee Gorges management plan is a general,
conceptual statement of how the SCDNR will manage the Jocassee Gorges when
it is acquired from DEC and CRI. Management of the Jocassee Gorges will
require a system of "adaptive management" to maintain the
property in a state compatible with both primary and secondary management
objectives. The adaptive management approach will involve implementation,
monitoring and research, review, and revision when necessary. Therefore,
the management plan is an "elastic" plan that will continually
evolve. Routine revisions and updates to the plan will be necessary to
reflect changes in resource protection/management needs, and to address
public access and other issues. The plan is conceptual because of the
numerous management-related variables that exist. For example, development
of management direction for many specific uses, such as forest management,
will require intensive planning to meet management objectives. Yet in some
areas, this plan specifically addresses short-term management policies. An
example is the interim road access plan presented. Initially, this plan
allows for the same (status quo)opportunities as in the past in areas of
public access for traditional activities such as hunting, fishing, hiking,
horseback riding, camping, mountain biking, all terrain vehicles (ATV)
access, and wildlife viewing. More specific management plans or guidelines
will be developed as supplements to this document that will address issues
such as detailed forest management, Best Management Practice Guidelines,
and potential development of additional recreational services.
D. Plan Implementation and Management
The SCDNR's Division of Wildlife and Freshwater
Fisheries will lead management planning and plan implementation under the
supervision of the division's Deputy Director and with oversight from the
SCDNR Director and Board. The management team will also be responsible for
coordination with other divisions of the SCDNR, other state and federal
resource agencies, university and academic professionals, and various
organizations, interest groups, and the general public.
E. Resource Description
Physical Characteristics
The Jocassee Gorges, situated in the Blue Ridge
province, comprise a series of intermontane valleys flanked by steep
northeast-trending mountain ridges. South Carolina's portion of the Blue
Ridge is 90 miles long and 25 to 30 miles wide, spanning Oconee County and
extending eastward into Greenville County. Topographically, the Chattooga
Ridge is a narrow transition about 6 miles wide that separates the Blue
Ridge province's rugged southeast flank from the rolling hills of the
Piedmont (from the French word meaning "foot of the mountain").
Geologically, the Jocassee Gorges erode two tectonic
provinces in South Carolina: the Blue Ridge and the Inner Piedmont
(including the Chauga belt, Walhalla nappe, and Six Mile nappe). The
Brevard fault zone, a regional northeast-striking structure, separates the
two tectonic provinces and can be traced 300 km along the eastern edge of
the Appalachian Mountains from Alabama to Virginia. Many of the area's
northeast-trending mountain ridges are also structurally oriented
features, related to the Blue Ridge-Inner Piedmont thrusting that resulted
from at least three (continent-to-continent) collisions. Rocks of the
Jocassee Gorges are metamorphosed marine and volcanic rock, known as
schist and gneiss (pronounced nice) and are part of the southern
Appalachian metamorphic core. These rocks are folded, twisted, and
squeezed together and provide stark evidence of the area's 1.1 billion
years of geologic history.
The end result of the erosion is magnificent vistas
like Jumping Off Rock and Sassafras Mountain and gorges harboring
waterfalls and cascades such as Laurel Fork Falls, Whitewater Falls, and
Eastatoee Gorge. The geology combined with mild temperatures and the
highest average annual rainfall in the eastern United States supports a
unique diversity of plant and animal life and an ecosystem for rare flora
and fauna.
The soils of Jocassee Gorges are diverse. The most
dominant soil association on the Jocassee Gorges property is the
Ashe-Saluda-Stony land association. This association is dominant on all of
the Pickens County portion of the property with the exception of the Lake
Jocassee drainage and the "high peaks and ridges" areas (north
of Camp Adger). This association is described as excessively to
well-drained, strongly sloping to very steep soils that have a loamy
sub-soil and are moderately deep or shallow to weathered rock on
mountains. About 31 percent, 30 percent, and 18 percent of the association
are made up of Ashe soils, Saluda soils, and Stony land, respectively. The
rest is less extensive soils. This association has an average slope of
about 60 percent. The soils formed mainly in granite weathered material
with a high content of gneiss and quartz.
Most of that portion of Jocassee Gorges in the Lake
Jocassee drainage (Pickens side) and the high peaks and ridge areas around
Sassafras Mountain, Camp Adger and Emory Gap are characterized by the
Edneyville-Porters-Hayesville association. Soils in this association are
best described as being well-drained, strongly sloping to very steep soils
and having a loamy subsoil and being moderately deep or deep to weathered
rock on mountains. About 33 percent, 23 percent and 12 percent of the
association are composed of Edneyville, Porters and Hayesville soils,
respectively. The rest is made up of less extensive soils. These soils
formed in material weathered from granite and gneiss in a cool climate
characterized by abundant rainfall. Soils in this association are
generally most suited for forests.
Along the flood plains of larger streams of the Toxaway,
Eastatoee and Laurel Fork, the Toccoa-Chewacla association is found. These
are well-drained to somewhat poorly drained, nearly level soils that are
dominantly loamy throughout and are subject to flooding. Cherokee Indians
and European settlers located close to these fertile river valley soils.
This soil association is well suited to row crops, pasture and timber
production. Some of the largest trees on Jocassee Gorges property can be
found in these fertile areas that were once tended as fields.
The Oconee County portion of Jocassee Gorges including
Crossroads Mountain and a large part of the Musterground maintains the
Talladega-Madison (high phases) association. These are excessively drained
soils on narrow ridges and on steep to very steep, broken slopes, and
well- drained soils on broad ridgetops and more gentle slopes. These soils
formed in material derived mainly from schist and phyllite. Growth of
trees in this association is slower and windthrow is a potential hazard.
Gently sloping terrain with Madison soils can be productive for grain
crops, row crops, etc.
Other soils in the Musterground area include
Hayesville-Cecil-Halewood association, Porters-Halewood association,
Ashe-Hayesville-Cecil-Halewood association and Congaree-Mixed alluvial
land association.
The main drainages in the Jocassee Gorges property are
Eastatoee Creek to the east, Cane Creek in the center, and the Toxaway
River (now Lake Jocassee) to the west. These systems flow generally to the
south and southwest and drain into the Savannah River Basin. On the very
eastern boundary is the Oolenoy River, which flows to the south and then
to the east, into the Saluda River Basin. In this region, the annual
precipitation averages about 67 inches (SCDNR-South Carolina State
Climatology Office, 1998). As a result of this high precipitation, stream
flow is relatively high, with an average flow of 3.3 cubic feet per second
per square mile (Johnson et. al. 1968). The steep terrain produces stream
gradients as high as 250 feet per mile in some areas (Bloxham, 1979).
Surface fractures in the igneous and metamorphic rock provide channels for
runoff, and consequently stream channels are often angular and drainage
patterns are often rectangular (Acker and Hatcher, 1970). The fractures
also provide avenues for ground water flow and storage; the crystalline
rock aquifers that they feed contribute relatively large quantities of
ground water to the streamflow (SC Water Resources Commission, 1983). In
general, the steep terrain and semipermeable soils in the area cause
rainfall to rapidly run off into stream channels, and, as a result,
streams show rapidly fluctuating flows dependent on rainfall but have
well-sustained base flows because of substantial ground water discharge
(SC Water Resources Commission, 1983).
Approximately 88 miles of perennial streams exist on
the Jocassee Gorges Property (Appendix-Table A-4). The coldwater streams
on Jocassee Gorges are very infertile (oligotrophic) with low water
hardness and alkalinity (<15 mg/l)(Archer, 1967). Maximum summer
temperatures are generally less than 75 oF. Minimum winter
stream temperatures can approach 35 oF. Stream substrate varies
considerably and appears most related to past disturbances in the
watersheds and stream gradient. Riparian areas generally maintain hardwood
overstory canopies. Riparian understory vegetation is dominated by
mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia), and rhododendron (Rhododendron
The archaeological resources of the Jocassee Gorges are
largely unknown, although approximately a dozen significant archaeological
sites are recorded in the boundaries of the property. This area was the
homeland of the Lower Cherokee Indians. Some of the most significant
historical and archaeological sites (for example, Keowee Village and Fort
Prince George) were inundated during the construction of the Keowee
Toxaway Project. However, prior to inundation, the sites were carefully
studied and extensive material was removed and catalogued. A major display
related to this work is provided at Keowee-Toxaway State Park. An
archaeological inventory of Jocassee Gorges is needed.
Access and Roads
Most access roads on the property were constructed to
meet timbering needs. Some roads, however, have also served and been
maintained to provide public access to the property. Approximately 138
miles of forest access roads exist on the property, not including
abandoned forest access roads that have substantially revegetated over
time. Approximately 70 miles of these roads have previously been used
seasonally for public access. The majority of forest access roads have
overhead tree canopies. Generally, primary public access roads have been
maintained annually (by scraping, limited gravelling), while barricaded or
gated roads lie in various conditions ranging from well vegetated to
situations where mineral soils are exposed. Most of the roads on the
Jocassee Gorges property are in need of maintenance. Road upgrade and
maintenance represent the most immediate challenge identified on the
Access points to the Jocassee Gorges property are
located off Highway 178 for the Horsepasture and Camp Adger areas. Access
to Cane Creek is available off Cleo Chapman road (County road 143 off
Highway 11). Developed access is available at three state parks that
adjoin Jocassee Gorges. These parks include Devil's Fork State Park,
Keowee Toxaway State Park, and Table Rock State Park.
Flora and Fauna
Forest Description
The Jocassee Gorges forests maintain a diverse
assemblage of tree species and forest types, from oak-hickory forests to
mixed pine-hardwood stands, and natural and planted stands of white
pine (Pinus strobus). Some tree species found on
Jocassee Gorges include white oak (Quercus alba), red oak (Quercus
rubra and Quercus falcata), black oak (Quercus veluntina),
scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea), chestnut oak (Quercus prinus),
maple (Acer rubrum), poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera),
hemlock (Tsuga sp.), short leaf pine (Pinus echinata),
Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana), pitch pine (Pinus rigida),
Table Mountain pine (Pinus pungens), and loblolly (Pinus
taeda). The forest on Jocassee Gorges has been
intensively logged. Many areas on the property have been logged multiple
times. According to CRI timber stand records, since 1964, of the 32,000
acres in Jocassee Gorges, 6,558 acres (21 percent) have been clearcut and
16,359 acres (51 percent) have been selectively harvested. An addittional
1,100 acres (3 percent) of loggable land has remained uncut. Areas not
logged by CRI because of their being not loggable or in a preservation
(water and aesthetic protection) category represent approximately 25
percent of the property. An active program of reforestation has been
conducted on the property and has been accomplished through both natural
reforestation and planting.
Aquatic Insects
The Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT;
mayfly, stonefly, and caddisfly, respectively) faunas of the southern
Appalachian Mountains are rich in species, including many endemic species.
The species richness is a result of unique geological, climatological and
hydrological features of the region. At least 32 species of aquatic
insects in the Jocassee Gorges are rarely documented elsewhere and appear
to be restricted to cold, clear mountain streams with relatively little
sediment or other types of pollution (Morse et al., 1989). One group of
freshwater insects that has been used extensively in water pollution
assessments is the caddisflies. There are 114 species of caddisflies that
have been identified in the Lake Jocassee watershed. Of these five species
are found only on Jocassee Gorges property (Floyd et al. 1997). Protection
of these fauna and their use by humans for recreation and water quality
assessment will require that streams not be impacted by further
degradation from sediments and other pollutants and that natural plant
food resources (trees and other riparian vegetation) be maintained.
Stream biota in the Jocassee Gorges warrant extensive
study, especially freshwater mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, and true
flies. Systematic investigations should be conducted in Jocassee Gorges
streams to assess the community composition and distribution of these
Data is not known to exist describing terrestrial
insects in Jocassee Gorges. This is an area where survey work is needed.
Plants and Nongame Animals
The gorges produce a variety of habitats because of the
extremely high levels of precipitation, the variety of acidic and
calcareous substrates, and the steep topography. Particularly significant
is the presence of plant species more typical of distant ecosystems (e.g.
northern temperate forests and tropical forests) not found in the
Carolinas today (Billings and Anderson, 1966).
These embayment gorges produce unique habitats for
plants of both the cool, temperate forests, meadows, and seeps from the
north and habitats more typical of the warm tropics to the south. Such
species as sweet birch, gallberry or mountain mint are very common
occurrences in the central and northern Appalachians but are considered
rare in South Carolina because they are at or near their extreme southern
terminus. Just as important has been the realization that the abundance
and diversity of these plant species are indicative of very specialized
and unique sets of micro-habitats (Billings and Anderson, 1966). These
micro-habitats are particularly abundant in the Jocassee Gorges region.
Over great stretches of geologic time, these micro-habitats have allowed
for an exceptional variety of disjuncts, peripherals, and even endemics to
be tucked away in their cooler, more moist ravines and coves so atypical
of much of the present-day Southeast climate and landscape. Thus, at first
glance, many of these species when considered as individual occurrences
may not seem to be of great biological significance. But, if one evaluates
their overall population status relative to the totality of all such
species occurrences and their respective micro-habitats, the overwhelming
professional consensus is that these gorges are indeed extraordinary.
To summarize, while not necessarily rare in their
overall geographic distribution for North America or even South America,
these species in their great abundance and diversity -- endemics,
disjuncts and peripherals -- all together act as indicators of sites of
high biodiversity and unique environmental conditions. Paleo-botanical and
geological evidence suggests that the protected coves, ravines and ridges
of the Southern Appalachian mountains, having escaped the direct effects
of glaciation, have functioned for more than 200 million years as
migration corridors for species from both more northerly and southerly
environments (Delcourt, 1985). The presence of these species is indicative
of habitats that are important refugia for numerous species of plants and
animals across the entire phylogenetic spectrum from fungi to amphibians
(Bruce, 1965; Cooper and Harden, 1970; and Delcourt, 1985).
A list of species of "special concern" found
in the Jocassee Gorges is listed in Appendix-Table A-5. With additional
survey, it is possible that this list will be expanded or
Fish Populations
Stream fish communities within the Jocassee Gorges are
typically very low in species diversity as is typical of high gradient
Southern Appalachian streams. Physical barriers to upstream fish
migrations (waterfalls) combined with harsh habitat conditions generally
preclude a diversity of nongame fishes in the headwater reaches of
mountain streams. In the absence of abundant nongame fish competition,
however, often allopatric trout populations thrive. One remote tributary
stream on the property maintains a self-sustaining population of Eastern
brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), a state species of concern.
The genetic identity of this population has previously been described (Guffey
1995). Several other streams on the property maintain adequate brook trout
habitat conditions but would require fish population renovations and/or
stocking to reclaim the species. The most abundant fish species in
headwater streams is the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
Wild rainbow trout represent a unique and valuable resource to South
Carolina. In 1984, the SCDNR Board adopted a departmental policy calling
for "no net loss" of trout habitat in South Carolina. The trout
found in Jocassee area streams have been the key lever necessary to
achieve protective state classifications for streams and rivers. The
Eastatoee and all tributaries, Whitewater River, Laurel Fork Creek, and
Devil's Fork Creek (portions of tributaries) are classified by the South
Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) as
"Outstanding Resource Waters" (ORW) (SCDHEC, 1993). The
remaining streams are designated "Trout Natural" (TN), except
for lower Eastatoee which is designated "Trout Put-Grow-Take" (TPGT).
Lake Jocassee is also TPGT. Another species of special concern found in
Jocassee streams is the blacknose dace (Rhinichthys atratulus).
Game Animals
The properties contain populations of a number of
wildlife species including black bears (Ursus americanus),
white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), wild turkeys (Meleagris
gallopavo), mourning doves (Zenaida macroura), woodcock
(Philohela minor), rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus and
Sylvilagus transitionalis), raccoons (Procyon lotor),
squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis and Tamiasciurus hudsonicus),
ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus), bobwhite quail (Colinus
virginianus), bobcats (Lynx rufus), various waterfowl
species, beavers (Castor canadensis), muskrats (Odatra
zibethica), foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus and Vulpes
vulpes), opossums (Didelphis marsupialis), skunks (Mephitus
mephitus and Spilogale putorius), coyotes (Canis latrins),
ground hogs (Marmota monax), feral hogs (Sus scrofa),
river otters (Lutra canadensis), and mink (Mustela vison).
White-tailed deer, wild turkeys, black bears and raccoons are the wildlife
species that receive more interest from hunters. The Jocassee Gorges
represent a major portion of quality black bear habitat in the state. Good
populations of wild turkey and white-tailed deer are also found.
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