Game Zone 1

Game Zone 1 consists of all properties north of the main line of the Norfolk Southern Railroad from the Georgia State line to South Carolina Hwy 183 in Westminister, then north of SC Hwy 183 to intersection of SC Hwy 183 and the Norfolk So. Railroad main line in Greenville and then north of the mainline of the Norfolk So. Railroad to the Spartanburg County line.

Partial Counties included in
Game Zone 1

  • Greenville
  • Oconee
  • Pickens

Hunting Regulations and Seasons

Additional Species Hunting Regulations

Wildlife Management Area Maps

Map of Game ZonesSpecial Hunting Opportunities

Wildlife Management Areas with Additional Regulations

Property Name - WMA Map ID
(Adobe PDF)
Caesars Head / Jones Gap 1-3
Glassy Mountain Archery /
Chestnut Ridge
Stumphouse 1-2

Regular Game Seasons Wildlife Management Areas

Property Name - WMA Map ID
(Adobe PDF)
Ashmore HP-WMA 1-B
Brasstown Creek HP-WMA 1-G
Buzzard Roost HP-WMA 1-F
Chestnut Ridge HP-WMA 1-H
Eastatoe Creek HP-WMA 1-E
Eva Russell Chandler HP-WMA 1-C
Laurel Fork HP-WMA 1-D
Wadakoe Mountain HP-WMA 1-I
Watson-Cooper HP-WMA 1-A