Mobility Impaired Deer Hunts
Eligibility requirements for mobility impaired deer hunts at most but not all of these locations in South Carolina are as follows: Persons permanently confined to a wheelchair, persons permanently requiring the use of a mechanical aid (walker, braces, cane, etc.) to walk or persons with complete single or double leg amputations.

For questions concerning special access and assistance for mobility impaired hunters on specific WMA properties in remote areas without developed access contact SCDNR regional offices.
2024 Applications
Applications and information regarding the 2024 Upstate Mobility Impaired Deer Hunts will be mailed in mid-July. The application period will close during the first week of September. These hunts are made possible by the generosity of private landowners in Cherokee, Laurens, Newberry, Spartanburg, and Union Counties. If you are a new hunter or are interested in hosting mobility impaired hunters on your property, please contact Mark Carroll (email or call 864-427-5140).
Questions about hunt applications can be sent to