Black Scenic River Management Plan - 2020

Black Scenic River Management Plan (PDF -16MB)

Summary of the Plan

Black Scenic River Management PlanA 75-mile segment of the Black River is designated a State Scenic River under the South Carolina Scenic Rivers Act. The Scenic Rivers Act enables the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) to administer a voluntary, cooperative river management program that supports a partnership of Black River landowners, river users, conservation groups, and agencies, all serving on a scenic river council and working to promote responsible use and stewardship of the Black River.

The Black Scenic River Management Plan (plan) was prepared by SCDNR in partnership with the Black Scenic River Advisory Council. The plan outlines a community vision for stewardship of the Black River, it reflects public values and aspirations for conserving the core scenic, cultural, and ecological resources of the river, it offers ideas and information to address river issues of public interest and concern, and it informs future opportunities to enhance public access and recreational use of the Black Scenic River.

The ideas of the plan come from the local community, from landowners, river users, and community leaders who acknowledge the legacy of excellent stewardship provided by many generations of landowners along the Black River, and who wish to see that legacy continued. The plan does not impose regulations, nor does it mandate new regulatory restrictions. Instead, as the future will surely bring changes and choices to affect the river for better or worse, this plan is intended to provide information to promote better choices for stewardship of the river.

Sections of the management plan are organized under five resource categories/topics to describe significant resources of the river and related management issues, and to present goals and recommendations to address river stewardship. The topics include:

The final section of the management plan is about Implementation; it presents strategies for moving the plan forward. Central to implementation is the intent of the Black Scenic River Advisory Council to pursue the plan goals and recommendations, communicate the vision captured in the plan, and build local support and partnerships committed to better stewardship of the river and its natural and cultural resources.

Appendix B of the management plan presents a Guide to Best Management Practices for Riparian Lands by the SCDNR Scenic Rivers Program.