SCDNR Seabird, Shorebird, and Wading Bird Program

Tracking Volunteer Contributions

The purpose of this website is to document the time and miles that volunteers contribute to SCDNR projects that are funded by federal grants. Volunteer time and miles will be used as match for the grants and enables us to leverage all resources available in order to continue to conduct management, monitoring and research for seabirds, shorebirds, and wading birds in South Carolina.

Your contributions are very valuable to the SCDNR Waterbird Program. We hope that this web page is a convenient way for you to document and certify your contributions. Please contact us at if you need help with the website or you would prefer to use a paper certification form. More information about the value of volunteers to SCDNR can be found on the Sea Turtle Program website.

Volunteer Contributions Form

*Note: All fields below are required unless stated otherwise.

Please enter your first name.

Please enter a date.

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Please enter your last name.

Please enter number of hours.
Please enter a number.

Please enter your street address.

Please enter number of miles.
Invalid format.

Please enter your city.

(not required)

Please enter your state.

Please enter your Zip Code.

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Please enter your email address.

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Please select an item.

Please enter a phone number.

Invalid format [(999) 999-9999].
Please indicate that you agree with the following statement by selecting this check box. I hereby certify that the foregoing information is correct to the best of my knowledge and represents a true and accurate record of my volunteer participation.

Instructions for Completing Online Form

First Name: Full legal first name

Last Name: Full legal last name

Address - Phone: Your personal mailing address, email address, and phone number

Date of Volunteer Activity: Date when you volunteered for SCDNR. Please complete this online form for every day of volunteer service.

Hours: Total number of hours of your time that you volunteered to SCDNR. Include time spent driving to and from the volunteer site.

Miles: Miles that you drove your personal vehicle to and from the volunteer site and while conducting volunteer service.

Comments: Optional field. Please enter any comments that you have about your volunteer activities. Contact the biologist you are assisting directly if you have any concerns about the project.

Activity Description: Please select the activity description that most accurately describes the work you preformed during the day of volunteer service.