What is the Clean Vessel Act?

Congress passed the Clean Vessel Act of 1992 to establish federal grant funding for the construction, renovation, operation, and maintenance of pumpout stations and waste reception facilities to meet the needs of recreational boaters. This program is intended to make pumpout stations readily available and more convenient for recreational boaters and marina operators to encourage their use and discourage the illegal dumping of sewage into our waters.
All recreational vessels must have easy access to pumpout stations funded under this grant program. Pumpout facilities shall continue to be easily accessible to the public during reasonable business hours for the full period of the equipment’s useful life. Private marinas must ensure that recreational boats will have reasonable access to pumpout stations funded under this grant program.
A maximum fee of $5 per every 30 gallons pumped may be charged for the use of the pumpout stations constructed, funded, or renovated with grant funds.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service administers the national CVA grant program through a competitive annual process among all states and territories. Funding comes from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund, which is supported by excise taxes on sport fishing equipment, recreational boats, and boat fuel. Grants are available through the CVA Program via flow through funding from the USFW to SCDNR to you. Any equipment purchased by or furnished to the Subrecipient by the SCDNR under this Agreement is provided on a loan basis only.
The importance of keeping our waters clean is evident in all aspects of our lives. From the food we eat to the water we consume and play in; we can all agree that keeping our waters clean is a priority to South Carolina residents and visitors. Your willingness to participate in this program accomplishes many benefits and will help us "Keep our Waters Clean."
Thank you for taking the time and initiative to improve waste reception facilities for the boaters of South Carolina!
Clean Marina Program:
Interested in becoming a Clean Marina? Check out our partner SC Sea Grant for more information.

Abandoned and Derelict Vessels:
For information on how to report abandoned and derelict vessels please visit SCDHEC VTIP program.