2005 Competition Winners
Thurmond FFA team from Strom Thurmond High School in Edgefield takes top Envirothon Honors at the 2005 State Competition
The 2005 Envirothon was held on May 6th at the Clemson Institute for Community and Economic Development at Sandhill Center. Approximately three hundred staff members, students, coaches and volunteers were present. Twenty teams competed from all over the state. Topics were Aquatics, Forestry, Soils, Wildlife, Oral Presentations and Managing Cultural Landscapes.
Top Awards:

Thurmond High School FFA - First Place Overall and Forestry Station Winner
$500 scholarship each, gold medallions, and Eagle Award
Left to right - Joy Boswell, Envirothon Coordinator; Hugh Bland, coach;
Bettis Rainsford, Aaron Ingle, Richard Miller, Andrew Cheatham, Russell Henderson.

Calhoun Falls High School FFA- Second Place Overall and
Aquatics Station Winner
$250 scholarship each, silver medallions, and Sandstone award
(l-r back row) Calvert Sherard (not shown), R. Hunter Cooper, Matthew Dorn, Michael Burdette
(l-r front row) Ryan O'Shields, Nicole Hall, Jeremy Manning
Spartanburg High School - Third Place Overall and Cultural Landscapes and Soils Station Winner
$125 scholarship each, bronze medallions, and Sandstone award
Rob Wilder (coach), Jarried Pille, Lindsey Belk, Katie Buckner, Michael Poon, Shelli Steinberg

James Island Christian School - Fourth Place Overall and
Oral Presentation Station Winner
Team members and coach received $75.00
Twila Shaw (coach), Amy Hirschmann, Chelsey Kight, Krystal Higdon, Chris Fulghum, James Folsom
Station Award winners (highest score for that station only) received a $50 cash award and they were:
- Aquatics - Calhoun Falls High
- Cultural Landscapes - Spartanburg High
- Forestry - Thurmond FFA
- Orals - James Island Christian School
- Soils - Spartanburg High
- Wildlife - Wando High
The 2005 Envirothon was coordinated by the Envirothon Committee:
S.C. Soil and Water Conservation Districts
S.C. Dept. of Natural Resources
S.C. Dept. of Health and Environmental Control
S.C. Dept. of Education
S.C. Forestry Commission
USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service
S.C. Future Farmers of America
Clemson Extension Service