2006 Competition Winners
First Place - Calhoun Falls Team from Abbeville County

$500 scholarship each and gold medallions
Top Row - Left to right -Joy Sullivan, Envirothon Coordinator and Calvert Sherard, Team Coach
Bottom Row - Left to right - Matthew Dorn, Rachel Brandt, Cody Brown, Hunter Cooper and Pat Shea.
Second Place - Spartanburg Vikings from Spartanburg County

$250 scholarship each and silver medallions
Rob Wilder with his team from Spartanburg High School
Third Place - Strom Thurmond FFA team from Edgefield County

$125 scholarship each, bronze medallions, and Sandstone award
Hugh Bland with his team from Strom Thurmond High School
Fourth Place - Blue Ridge High School from Greenville County
Team members and coach received $75.00
Steven Pruitt with his team from Blue Ridge High School
Fourth Place - James Island Christian School from Charleston County
Team members and coach received $75.00
Twila Shaw(not seen) and the James Island Christian School team
Station Award winners (highest score for that station only) received a $50 cash award and they were:
- Aquatics – Calhoun Falls High
- Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate – Academic Magnet School
- Forestry –Calhoun Falls High
- Orals – James Island Christian School
- Soils –Calhoun Falls High
- Wildlife – Spartanburg Vikings
Envirothon is coordinated by the Envirothon Committee, made up of:
S.C. Soil and Water Conservation Districts
S.C. Dept. of Natural Resources
S.C. Dept. of Health and Environmental Control
S.C. Dept. of Education
S.C. Forestry Commission
USDA – Natural Resources Conservation Service
S.C. Future Farmers of America
Clemson Extension Service