Envirothon Coaches Get Their Feet Wet for 2011 Competition:

On February 12th, the 2011 Envirothon Coaches' Training was held at the Sandhill Institute for Economic and Community Development. Sixteen coaches from across the state met to be trained on materials pertinent to the 2011 Current Topic of Salt and Fresh Water Estuaries. Each of the test stations (Aquatics, Forestry, Soils, Wildlife and Oral Presentation) is geared to cover issues relevant to the current topic. The 2011 Envirothon Manual is available for coaches that could not attend the training.
New Brunswick Canada will play host to the 2011 Canon Envirothon from July 24th-29th. Students will be staying at Mt. Allison University in Sackville New Brunswick, so get those passports ready for a trek up North!
The state competition is scheduled for Friday, May 13th, and registration, photo waiver and medical release forms are available through the Team Registration Tab. All registration materials are due in to Diane Curlee by Close of Business April 11th. If you have any questions, are having trouble opening files, or need additional information, please contact Joy Sullivan, Envirothon Coordinator, at sullivanj@dnr.sc.gov.