Wild Hog Information

Wild pigs have been present in coastal South Carolina since they were released by the Spanish in the 1500s. Their historic range was geographically limited to floodplains of major river systems. In the mountains of the state, Eurasian wild hogs were introduced in the early 1900s. In the 1980s wild pigs were found in only 26 counties, with the distribution generally resembling their historic range. By 2008 wild pigs were documented in all 46 counties with small scattered populations in the piedmont related to recent translocations by humans. The harvest of wild pigs in 2009 was estimated at 36,888 and the estimated population in 2010 is 150,000. Wild hogs are not protected in South Carolina and there is no closed season or bag limit on private land.
Downloadable information below is in the PDF or Microsoft Word format.
To learn more about managing wild pigs, please see — West, B. C., A. L. Cooper, and J. B. Armstrong. 2009. Managing wild pigs: A technical guide. Human-Wildlife Interactions Monograph 1:1–55
Wild Hog Hunting Regulations
SC Wild Hog Task Force Information
- South Carolina Wild Hog Task Force
- South Carolina's Growing Wild Hog Problem: Recommendations for Management and Control
Additional information on feral hogs
- Feral / Wild Pigs: Potential Problems for Farmers and Hunters by USDA
- Wild Hog Hunting - Stay Healthy on Your Hunt!
- 2017 Feral/Wild Hog Distribution Map
- 2010 Feral/Wild Hog Distribution Map
- 2005 Feral/Wild Hog Distribution Map
Mississippi State University
- A Landowner's Guide for Wild Pig Management: Practical Methods for Wild Pig Control
- Wild Pig Info
- Youtube - A Pickup Load of Pigs: The Feral Swine Pandemic
The information below was taken from the Feral Hog Management in the Southeast Workshop held on August 18, 2010.
- Disease and Safe Handling Techniques of Feral Swine by Sheldon Owen
- Feral Pig Management Techniques by Noel Myers
- Harvest Trends & Distribution of Feral Pigs in SC by Charles Ruth
- History and Ecology of Wild Pigs in the Southeast by Jack Mayer
- Negative Impacts of Feral Hogs by Greg Yarrow
- Wild Pig Research Update by Bronson Strickland