Education - Publications
Downloadable resources below are in the PDF format.

Blackwater River of South Carolina: An interactive guide to the Blackwater River ecosystem
Also check out the education guide.

Trout in the Classroom Guide for South Carolina Schools
For more information about Trout in the Classroom visit our website.

South Carolina Hunting and Fishing Regulations (2019-2020)
Contains information on license requirements, fresh and saltwater fishing regulations, hunting regulations, boating, Special SCDNR hunts, point and suspensions systems, SCDNR education and outreach programs, general applications, and sunrise/sunset times.

Managing Ponds for Recreational Fishing
This publication provides South Carolina pond owners with guidance to increase their pond’s potential to produce quality fishing year after year.
Wildlife Management Guides
These guides provide information on habitat requirements, standard management practices, improving habitat, and other species that benefit from management of the species listed below.

Beginner’s Guide to Fishing
Made for those who are new to fishing or just looking to improve their skills, this guide discusses several styles of fishing, types of rods, reels, knots, baits, lures, freshwater fish, and aquatic habitats.

Certified Fishing Instructor Brochure
Information about how to become a certified volunteer to teach fishing clinics.

Two sided fish chart; South Carolina freshwater and saltwater fish.
This double sided mini poster has pictures of salt and freshwater fish species that inhabit South Carolina.

Marine Game Fish Tag and Release Guide
This guide includes information on the SCDNR tagging program, tagging equipment, handling, tagging, and data reporting.

SCDNR State Lakes
The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources State Lakes Program is designed to provide fishing to the public in areas of the state where the opportunity is lacking or where there are few public fishing lakes. This program provides over 1,500 acres of public fishing in South Carolina.
State Lakes information is also available online.

South Carolina's Guide to Saltwater Fishes
This identification guide provides a quick reference for marine fish that are most often encountered by South Carolina Saltwater sport anglers.

South Carolina's Guide to Freshwater Fishes
This identification guide provides a quick reference for freshwater fish that are most often encountered by South Carolina anglers.

South Carolina Freshwater Fishes mini poster
This double sided mini poster has pictures of freshwater fish species that inhabit South Carolina.
State of South Carolina's Coastal Resources

Blackwater River Education Guide
This guide includes information on Blackwater rivers and information animals that inhabitant them. Also check out the interactive guide.

Field Guide to the Freshwater Mussels of South Carolina
This guide is intended to assist scientists and amateur naturalists with the identification of freshwater mussels in the field.

South Carolina’s Furbearers
This publication is about furbearer species in South Carolina, including habitat, feeding habits, breeding, controlling factors, and status.